am slogan

admeritia GmbH is an owner-managed company and began focusing on industrial IT security shorty after it was founded in 2004. Since then, admeritia has established itself as a permanent partner to this business sector. We are devoted to technically effective and individually feasible IT security for industrial control systems (ICS) and OT security.

With our wide reaching network within this exciting area of expertise, ranging from standardization through to ISC security community projects, we are proud to be considered by our customers and partners alike as an industry “trusted advisor”.

Trusted Advisor

Trust characterizes the relationship between admeritia and it's customers and partners, extending further than simply project work.

We can provide numerous benefits for our customers and partners, particularly with regard to research and digitalization/transformation projects as well as internal organization questions and beyond.

trusted advisor grafik


From the national level to EU-wide as well as globally, admeritia actively contributes to the design of standards within IT and OT security in a broad range of standardization committees. During these processes we always see ourselves as the voice of our customers, taking into consideration the problems you might have in implementing standards of this kind.

Our customers and partners also benefit from our first hand knowledge of how standards were created from the beginning onwards, and how they might best be implemented in your situation. We make it our business never to take our eye off the future directions of standards that can impact you.

ISO logo
International Organization for Standardization
IEC logo
International Electrotechnical Commission
DIN logo
German Institute for Standardisation
ISA logo
International Society of Automation
DKE logo
German Commission for Electronic
Industrie 4.0 logo
Plattform Industrie 4.0
ZVEI logo
Central Association of the Electrical and Electronics Industry e.V.

Industry Committees

Namur logo
DWA logo
German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste
VDI logo
Association of German Engineers

Open Source

Institute for Security and Open Methodologies
Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual
WASP logo
Open Web Application Security Project


TÜV Nord logo
TÜV Nord
IBF logo
IBF Solutions

A Word about the Company Name

We chose the name admeritia to represent what we stand for. The root word “meriti” comes from the Latin “meritum” meaning to have merit and worth, with the prefix ad meaning towards.

We want to be of merit to our customers and continuously work towards this goal. We achieve this by placing customer gains and benefits at the very center of everything we do. Our focus remains the same as always – 100 % on solving your problems!

Your contact person

Heiko Rudolph

Tel.: +49 2173 20363-0
Email: email_info

Get in touch with us!